Youngest Kids And Social Dista...

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Youngest Kids And Social Distancing "Just Won't Work"


11:25 24 May 2020

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Young kids and social distancing "just won't work" according to a creche worker's group.

The Association of Childhood Professionals has said it'll be an issue when childcare facilities begin to re-open.

85% of providers named implementing social distancing as their primary concern in a survey.

Workers and children are set to be split into pods to limit any possible spread of Covid-19.

Youngest Kids "It's Very Very Difficult For Them"

While Joan O'Sullivan from ACP says the youngest kids just don't understand it.

"Three four and five year olds I think are understanding what's happening. A lot of them understand quite well."

"But one to three year olds, it's very very difficult for them."

"As soon as creches start to re-open, we've all accepted that social distancing just won't work in the very earliest ages."

Owners Might Have To Ration Space

Meanwhile providers may have to hold onto places for the children of essential workers.

Owners also want their staff named "essential workers" ahead of any re-opening.

Joan says the room might have to be held because staff will possibly have to stay away themselves.

"That is probably our hardest decision."

"If childcare staff are working during the summer and they have their own children, they'd typically have summer camps.

"They might have grandparents or the children would come with them [staff] into the childcare service."

"We're going to see a huge change in that now because we're reducing our numbers but we're probably needing the same level of staff."

crèches childcare

Creches Are Currently Due To Re-Open On June 29th.

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