Have you ever wondered how some of the biggest 'influencers' to hit our screens get their figure? Kim Kardashian and Kourtney Kardashian's personal trainer has spilled the inside details to E News.
Trainer Amanda Lee went to high school with Kim and now she trains both her and her sister weekly.
When asked what exactly the work out entails Amanda says: " It is high intensity interval training, so it's mostly geared towards toning, lifting, tightening and fat burning, even though that's not a main goal. They look amazing they're in great shape that's not my main goal either, but it's more about toning, lifting and tightening and we focus mostly on lower body so like butt and abs are our two main focuses."
When asked to describe the workout she says "we focus a lot on squats and lunges but we do a lot of squat variation so different kind of squat and lunge variations. We work a lot with resistance bands, we work a lot with a step." and that they "do a lot of step-up combinations with the step, we do a lot of like jumping squat combinations with the bosu ball. We do a lot of like leg lift donkey kicks, outer thigh exercises, just a little bit of everything."
For those of you are looking to work on your lower body when asked by E News "What are your favorite moves for both butt and abs? I would say my favorite moves for butt would be squat jumps with the resistance band, that's one of my go-tos. Walking lunges holding a medicine ball is another go-to, curtsy lunges on the step which is basically you're standing on the step and you bring your legs side to side into a curtsy lunge is another one of my favorites."
There you have you have it, if your looking for some tips on your next gym session this is what the Kardashians work by. On the other hand, if you have workout plan and you are happy with it, don't fix something that isn't broken.