Stress Blamed For Rise In Forg...

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Stress Blamed For Rise In Forgetfulness

Aidan Delaney
Aidan Delaney

01:16 10 Jun 2022

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Birthdays, names and why you entered a room, are among the most common things Irish people forget.

A survey of 2,000 people from Kicker found on average, absent-minded people forget 1,095 things a year.

Social media and not exercising your brain, are among the things people blame for their forgetfulness.


Clinical Psychologist Malie Coyne says stress is one of the biggest causes of forgetfulness.

"When we're stressed, we're operating more from our fight or flight response which is our amygdala.

"Our brains are primed more for protecting us from whatever threat we're feeling in that moment.

"The process of memory, learning and all of that is reduced during that time."

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