Stephen Fry Has Been Diagnosed...

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Stephen Fry Has Been Diagnosed With Prostate Cancer

SPIN South West
SPIN South West

11:55 23 Feb 2018

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Stephen Fry has revealed that he has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. 

The 60 year old tweeted a video with the caption 'For the last 2 months I’ve been in the throes of a rather unwelcome and unexpected adventure. I’m sorry I haven’t felt able to talk about it till now, but here I am explaining what has been going on.'

He revealed that he discovered he had cancer in his prostate following an MRI scan.

Fry had an operation in December last to remove the prostate. 

In his video he said:

"You have to recover and that's what I've been doing."

"Here's hoping I've got another few years left on this planet because I enjoy life at the moment and that's a marvelous thing to be able to say, and I'd rather it didn't go away," 

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