The best weather of the year is expected this week.
It comes as the Road Safety Authority is urging people to 'stay cautious' if planning a staycation this Summer.
Gardaí Expect More Traffic On The Roads
Gardaí and the RSA are warning of more traffic volumes than normal throughout the summer.
They're also asking anyone who is planning to rent or buy a campervan to ensure they know how to use one first.
Chairperson of the RSA, Liz O'Donnell:
"Most people aren't going abroad, like they might usually do, this summer."
She continues, "the staycation I think will be the option for most families in Ireland."
"So with that being the case, just be conscious that, when you're driving on unfamiliar roads, you have to be cautious."
"Don't use your phone, and take a rest if you're tired."

Meanwhile, as some prepare to embark on a staycation this week, they can expect some of the best weather we've had all year.
Temperatures will reach 24 or 25 degrees in parts of the country.
It looks like the best of the weather will be from now until Friday afternoon.