Pub Reps Say Re-Opening Rules...

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Pub Reps Say Re-Opening Rules Must Be The Same For Everyone


02:53 5 Sep 2020

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Stakeholders are discussing the possibility of allowing 'wet pubs' to reopen later this month.

The Department of Health has drawn up draft guidelines.

They are in the process of sharing those with industry representatives.

While re-opening of all pubs is expected to coincide with the release of the government's new long-term plan for dealing with Covid-19.

It's believed that will be released on September 14th.

Wet Pubs Must Face No Additional Restrictions

CEO of the Licensed Vintners Association, Donal O'Keefe, says it's important there's no confusion over the rules when they do reopen:

All hospitality businesses, whether they are pubs, restaurants or hotels, should face the same guidelines, the same restrictions.

He added "...and they should have the same opportunity to trade."

"So a critical issue for us now is that wet pubs do not face any additional restrictions."

"They should face the same guidelines as pubs that serve food, restaurants and hotels."


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