No Hard Border With The North...

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No Hard Border With The North In 'Significant' Brexit Breakthrough

SPIN South West
SPIN South West

10:53 8 Dec 2017

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It looks like there will be no hard border between the Republic of Ireland and the North when the UK leaves the EU.

In an announcement today, a compromise has been found regarding the situation in the North after a political crisis this week.

It looked like a deal was arranged earlier in the week which would have allowed the North to stay in the customs union and single market, and no hard border, however the DUP pulled the plug at the 11th hour.

Leader Arlene Foster had said they didn't want the North to be treated differently to the rest of the UK.

However in a breakthrough today, British Prime Minister Theresa May and European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker revealed a compromise had been found between all parties on the border issue.

The Taoiseach Leo Varadkar welcomed the news, describing it as a ' very significant day' and  confirmed that Irish and UK citizens will still be able travel freely between both countries as they can now.

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