Nicole Kidman Discusses Domest...

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Nicole Kidman Discusses Domestic Violence In Emmy's Speech

SPIN South West
SPIN South West

10:16 18 Sep 2017

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Nicole Kidman received a warm reception after her Emmy's speech last night.

The actress, who received the best Limited Series Actress for her role of Celeste Wright in Big Little Lies, helped bring to light the issue of domestic violence in her acceptance speech.

Domestic violence is a key theme throughout the series, especially for Nicole's character.

Celeste suffers physical and emotional abuse at the hands of her husband Perry, who is played by Alexander Skarsgard (who also took home an Emmy for his role).

In her speech, Nicole Kidman says the story allowed them to raise the very serious issue:

Remember. Before you get involved, ask yourself if it’s safe and legal to intervene. If the situation is already violent or looks like its escalating quickly, don’t directly intervene. Call the Gardaí on 999.
The only effective bystander intervention is a non-violent one. If you see or suspect domestic abuse in Dublin (change to suit region) visit  or call 999.

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