New Campaign Launched To Tell...

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New Campaign Launched To Tell Stories About Coming Out


01:14 11 Oct 2020

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Today is National Coming Out day.

Figures from the Belong To youth service in Dublin says it's the number one issue they help young people with.

Today the government is launching a new programme called Living Out Loud.

That's to highlight the experiences of the LGBTQ+ community by sharing their stories online.

Equality and Inclusion minister Roderic O'Gorman says they want to let people know they're valued.

"We know that coming out can be a difficult moment in a young person's life."

"That's why it's really important that we have a campaign to show how valued everybody is in the community."

"As part of this the government is putting together a website where young people can put in submissions, to talk about their own experiences."

"Just to show people the diversity of situations that others are coming out in."

I Gave My Parents A Letter To Explain It

A transgender man is urging other young people not to be afraid about coming out and to do it when they feel they're ready.

Youth group Belong To says more than half of people they deal with say it was their biggest challenge.

Jayson Pope says he was 14 when he told his family he was trans:

"I had written a letter that I'd shown to some of my teachers at school."

"So I went downstairs one morning and gave my parents the letter, that was explained I was trans, I wanted to use a different name."

"Then I left for school."

"I wanted them to have a bit of time to absorb it, so they didn't have to say anything to me on the spot."

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