The Lion King Musical Cast Fac...

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The Lion King Musical Cast Face 'Vile, Appalling' Racial Abuse In Dublin

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Several performers and members of the crews of the Lion King musical in Dublin have been subjected to a racial attack.

The Bord Gáis Energy Theatre has condemned the abuse, which happened on their way home from the venue, as 'vile and appalling'.

"It is shocking that something so vile and appalling happened to our colleagues who have brought such joy to thousands of theatregoers," a spokesperson said in a statement.

It continued, "over the last 25 years, The Lion King has been a beacon of optimism and inclusion across the globe."

The Lion King has been performed at the Bord Gais since New Year's Eve, and ends this Friday.

The incident has been reported to Gardaí and plans have been put in place to support those affected.

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