Irish Name Tops Poll Of World&...

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Irish Name Tops Poll Of World's Sexiest Names

SPIN South West
SPIN South West

01:40 21 Apr 2018

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The sexiest names in the world have been revealed, and an Irish name tops the poll.

Liam is the name most likely to be held by an attractive man.

Other Irish names that make the list complied by Buzzfeed include Caden, Seán and Aiden.

Here's the top 10:

1) Liam

2) Anthony

3) Luca

4) Nicholas

5) James 

6) Dwyane

7) Luke

8) Aiden

9) Dylan

10) Jake

Congrats to everyone called Liam out there!

Liam Neeson, Liam Payne, Liam Hemsworth... the list goes on. 


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