HSE Advise Only To Eat One Eas...

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HSE Advise Only To Eat One Easter Egg

SPIN South West
SPIN South West

08:28 27 Mar 2018

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A leading obesity expert says people should only eat one medium sized Easter Egg over the course of the holiday.

It comes as the Irish Heart Foundation has revealed that Irish children will munch through at least 5 million eggs next week.

Dr. Donal O'Shea is a Clinical Obesity lead for the HSE and has advice for those who will indulge over the coming week.

"If you go with the 1 kilogram Lindt bunny, that has 10,000 or 12,000 thousand calories in it."

"That's a weeks nutrition without any benefit in terms of vitamins and minerals."

"So that's going to cause trouble so it needs to be a medium sized Easter Egg."

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