30,000+ people taking part in #Gaeilge24 Today
Over 30,000 students in 300 schools from 30 counties will be taking part in Conradh na Gaeilge's #Gaeilge24 challenge on Tuesday, 12 November 2019. The goal of Gaeilge24 is to encourage young people to speak Irish only for 24 hours in every aspect of their lives.
Students will be asked to speak Irish not only at school and with their teachers, but at home, at the shops and with local businesses, friends, and in their local sports clubs.
Dr Niall Comer, President of Conradh na Gaeilge said;
“A positive attitude towards the language is encouraged in young people in a fun and relevant way through Gaeilge24. They are given the opportunity to have a positive experience and to promote the Irish language in their own lives,”
This is the seventh year of this unique campaign and Gaeilge24 continues to go from strength to strength. English medium, gaelscoileanna and Gaeltacht primary and secondary schools across Ireland are taking part in this year's challenge. A certificate will be awarded to each student for taking part.
According to feedback gathered last year, 100% of teachers would be happy to run Gaeilge24 in their schools again. Referencing his great experience with Gaeilge24 over the years, Gearóid Ó Drisceoil from St. Fintan's High School, Sutton said:
“Gaeilge24 is one of the main events of the semester here in the school. It is a great idea that gives students the opportunity to do something different and fun with the language. This year, we will be organising a treasure hunt through Irish around Dublin City”
The students will be raising money to pay for the packages they receive on the day, and this year profits from the day will be used to help the environment, supporting ‘Friends of the Earth’ and the various campaigns they organise with schools around the country.
The Irish language community around the world has the opportunity to take part in the challenge online by using the #Gaeilge24 hashtag on social media.
Céard í an aidhm?
- Is í aidhm an dúshláin seo ná daoine óga a spreagadh chun labhairt as Gaeilge amháin ar feadh 24 uair a’ chloig: sa bhaile, ar scoil, le siopaí agus gnólachtaí, timpeall an bhaile, sa chlub spóirt & le cairde!
- Cuideofar le hintinn na ndaoine óga a oscailt agus eispéireas dearfach a thabhairt dóibh maidir le húsáid na Gaeilge ina saol féin.
- Tá fás agus forbairt i gcónaí ag teacht ar Gaeilge24 & anois tá sé mar cheann de na himeachtaí scoile is spreagúla ar bhonn náisiúnta le linn an chéad théarma. Beidh na mílte ag glacadh páirte ann arís i mbliana. Táimid ag tnúth le breis is 300 scoil agus 30,000 dalta in 2019
Cén fáth gur chóir dúinn páirt a ghlacadh?
- An Scrúdú Béil - Béim faoi leith ar labhairt na Gaeilge
- Cabhróidh Gaeilge24 le gach dalta sinsearach atá ag ullmhú don scrúdú béil (ar fiú 40% de mhóriomlán na marcanna san Ardteist anois). Cuirfidh lá iomlán de labhairt as Gaeilge go mór le stór focal dalta ar bith.
- Teanga bheo bhríomhar - taobh amuigh den seomra ranga
Is deis faoi leith atá ann an Ghaeilge a thógáil amach ón seomra ranga Gaeilge. D’fhéadfaí ábhair scoile eile a mhúineadh trí Ghaeilge, nó Lá Spóirt nó turas a eagrú trí Ghaeilge. - Normalú a dhéanamh ar an nGaeilge - taobh amuigh den scoil
Déantar normalú ar an teanga trí nasc a chruthú le gnóthaí agus le siopaí le Gaeilge, le grúpaí Gaeilge áitiúla, agus le seirbhísí stáit le Gaeilge. Tá an-deis ann taispeáint gur féidir le duine ar bith a saol a chaitheamh trí Ghaeilge. - Cabhrú leis an Timpeallacht
Tá fáth breise ann le clárú i mbliana, feachtas dearfach le cabhrú leis an timpeallacht. Cuirfear brabús ó Gaeilge24 i dtreo ‘Cairde an Domhain’.