GAA Tells Parents To Behave On...

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GAA Tells Parents To Behave On Sidelines

SPIN South West
SPIN South West

12:05 26 Apr 2018

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The GAA is warning parents to behave themselves when supporting their kids on the sidelines.

An email sent to all clubs says 'unsavoury' incidents have been taking place at underage games.

They're being accused of punch-ups, bad language and threats to referees.

Parents are being told that their children look to them for guidance so they have to give them something positive to imitate.

Former Ireland rugby international Alan Quinlan gave his thoughts on the situation to OTB:AM this morning "It's crazy stuff, but it's hard to police it as well. These messages keep being sent out to people - How you deal with underage kids. It's a mess really."

"You just have to keep hammering home that message that sometimes you've just got to stand back and let your kids at it."

"Any of these referees the games wouldn't go ahead without them. Some of the decisions are wrong, some of them are frustration, but you've just got to let go."

Colm Crowley is a Games Administrator in Cork, he revealed an email which was sent out to mentors regarding parents indiscipline.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Parents, Mentors and all adults attending GAA Go Games have a responsibility to the children, themselves, their clubs and their families to behave in a responsible manner at all.<br>Below is a mail sent to all mentors and it is important all adults note some of the points. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; CorkGDAColmCrowley (@CorkGDACCrowley) <a href="">April 24, 2018</a></blockquote>
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