Don't Feed The Seagulls When O...

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Don't Feed The Seagulls When Outdoor Dining Resumes - Birdwatchers


12:16 20 May 2021

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People are being urged not to feed seagulls, especially as outdoor dining resumes next month.

Bird Watch Ireland is asking people not to give the gulls any leftover food when restaurants reopen in June.

It comes as Rentokill reported a 50 percent surge in callouts associated with seagulls and other pest birds.

That's compared to this time last year.

If You Feed Them They'll Expect It

Niall Hatch from Bird Watch Ireland says if people feed them, then they'll associate humans with food:

"It's only when they've realised that humans can be a source of food."

"Certainly some individuals have realised this, then they can become very persistent and that can cause problems."

"So it is only a small minority of gulls doing this,  but it's learned behaviour because it's the way humans have treated them."

Niall's also reiterated how important it is not to feed the gulls.

"Don't be tempted to throw them the ends of your sandwich or your chips."

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