The award for Dad of the Year goes to Jon Chambers.
Over in Seattle, Jon built a life-size Diagon Alley for his daughters, who are totally crazy about Harry Potter.
Speaking to E! News, he said 'In the summer I was having a conversation with my girls, Haley and Avery, about doing something fun for Halloween this year. In their minds there was only one choice, a Harry Potter theme. My youngest daughter Avery said 'Diagon Alley' emphatically. I said 'Ok.'
The girls then went outside with their chalk and began drawing the plans for it. Can't.
Jon's project has gone viral on Instagram.
Walls going up. #diagonalleyproject #diagonalley #harrypotter #halloween
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Sky bridge nearly complete. #diagonalleyproject #harrypotter #halloween
A post shared by Jonathan Chambers (@dummaloop) on
Painting is happening. #diagonalleyproject #halloween
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A post shared by Jonathan Chambers (@dummaloop) on
Crazy day with the media catching wind of my small #diagonalleyproject.
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#diagonalleyproject looks great in the moonlight.
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Check out more snaps here.
Jon told E! that the project cost more than $3,000 and will be open through Christmas. So far they've had about 4,000 visitors so far.