30,000 'Shag Packs' Are Being...

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30,000 'Shag Packs' Are Being Handed Out This Week

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Shag Packs

The Union of Students in Ireland is giving out 30 thousand 'Shag Packs' in colleges over the next few days.

It's part of their annual Sexual Health Awareness and Guidance campaign for promoting sex education.

2019 is the first year in history the USI can legally give out information on how to access abortion care.

USI President, Síona Cahill said:

“SHAG Week is one of the most important campaigns in the student calendar year."

"Being intimate with someone should be an amazing experience when you’re ready, but it’s an experience we’re often afraid of talking about."

"USI will strive to ensure each student reached throughout this campaign will be given legal and responsible information on how to access abortion care, should they need it.”

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