1,200 Jobs Hang In The Balance...

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1,200 Jobs Hang In The Balance As KBC Bank May Leave Ireland


03:27 16 Apr 2021

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Bank of Ireland approached KBC Bank about potentially acquiring KBC Bank's performing assets and liabilities in February.

Both banks have announced negotiations are underway that, if agreed, would see KBC exit the Irish market.

John O'Connell, General Secretary of the Financial Services Union, says 12 hundred jobs could be impacted if an agreement is reached:

"They need to know with some degree of certainty what's occurring and what are the timeframes involved."

But Don't Panic If You're A KBC Customer

However customers of KBC are being urged not to panic, as it could take years for the bank to leave.

Darragh Cassidy is head of communications with

"We're not going to see KBC disappear overnight, they've been here 40 years."

He continues to say the bank has a branch network hubs around the country with a lot of customers.

"These wind-downs can take a huge amount of time."

Finance Minister Paschal Donohoe admits it will alter the competitive landscape of the banking sector.

However he adds that there will still be plenty of choice for consumers.

KBC's non-performing mortgages are NOT part of these talks.

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