With Valentine's Day just around the corner, Netflix have released the results to a very interesting study that has determined what causes the most fights between couples.
According to a new study, 46% of couples around the world have 'cheated' on their other half, but not in the way you'd think.
Defined as watching a TV show ahead of your significant other, 'Netflix cheating' was first uncovered in a study in the U.S. four years ago, and has increased three times since then.
Netflix have discovered that there is different types of cheaters:

Where Is Cheating Happening?
Cheating happens all over the world….though it varies a bit by country. The most cheaters are in Brazil and Mexico where 57%-58% of streaming couples have cheated, respectively. The most loyal viewers are in Netherlands (73% have not cheated), Germany (65%) and Poland (60%).
What SHOWS Are We Cheating On?
While no show is off limits, top cheating temptations are The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, American Horror Story, House of Cards, Orange Is The New Black, Narcos, and Stranger Things.
Why Do We Cheat?
Most don’t plan to cheat...it just happens: 80% of cheating is unplanned. The trigger for the growing trend in cheating? Two-thirds (66%) of cheaters said that “the shows are just so good we can’t stop bingeing.”
How Do We Cheat?
Sleep with one eye open: 25% of cheating happens when one partner falls asleep. But whether this is even cheating is hotly debated. Half say “sleep cheating” doesn’t count (53%), but the morality of “sleep cheating” varies across the globe. Chileans think it’s no big deal, Japan sees it as unforgivable. Many are still cheating in secret: 45% never admit to their indiscretions.
Is Cheating So Bad?
If you stray, don’t beat yourself up about it. Cheating has become more socially acceptable, with 46% saying it’s “not bad at all.” Unless of course you live in Hong Kong, where 40% think watching ahead of your partner is worse than having an actual affair.
Netflix have made a video that actually give you tips on how to binge watch your favourite show without your other half finding out. (CHEEKY!)