Here's what goes down on tonight's Love Island...
After an explosive night in the villa, the girls rush to Anna’s side to support her. The rest of the Islanders become aware that Curtis advised Jordan to tell India how he felt.
Speaking with the girls in the lounge, Anna says “I’m never talking to Curtis again.”
That night, Maura sleeps outside on the day beds with Anna. Anna is thankful for Maura’s support, she says “I’m so grateful that you did that for me.”
The next day, Anna awakes and is determined to put the drama behind her. She says to Maura “I’m not going to let him [Jordan] get me down.”
 Maura says “I knew you would wake up like this, because this is you.”
Anna keeps her distance from Jordan throughout the day and seems sure that their relationship is well and truly over. But Anna is left feeling betrayed by Curtis and feels he didn’t consider her feelings when he prompted Jordan to tell India how he felt.
Curtis is keen to make amends with Anna. At the sun deck, Curtis says to Anna “I came to apologise for giving Jordan that advice.”
But it appears Anna isn’t ready to forgive and forget, she says “I don’t know if you’re a good person. A good person would never tell someone to do that to their other half. Do you not care about me one tiny bit? I’ve been living with you for two months.”
That evening, Jordan wants to speak with Anna now they’ve had time away from each other to reflect. Jordan says “First of all, I want to apologise for what happened last night. I should have had a conversation with you first before speaking to India.”
Anna feels Jordan is missing the reason why she is upset. Anna says “You shouldn’t have pulled me first. You shouldn’t have asked me to be your girlfriend! You shouldn’t have lied to me for the past three weeks.”
Can Anna and Jordan make amends and start to rebuild?
After learning that Curtis advised Jordan to speak with India, Maura is questioning her own relationship with Curtis.
Speaking in the Beach Hut, Maura says “For Curtis to give that advice to Jordan, it baffles me. If he was my boyfriend, is that what he would do? Would he pull a girl before chatting to his girlfriend?”
Maura and Curtis have a chat on the swing seat. Curtis is frustrated that Maura left their conversation and immediately told Anna about Jordan’s feelings for India. Curtis says “All I wanted to do was talk to you and get your opinion.”
Maura says “She’s my friend. I care about her. I’m angry that he asked her to be his girlfriend a few days ago and now he’s cracking on with someone else.”
Curtis disagrees “He is brave for doing it!”
Maura says “Wow. That’s cheating Curtis!”
Curtis says “He’s only just had these feelings now.”
Maura asks “Would you do the same thing if I was your girlfriend?”
The following day, Curtis feels he could have made a mistake and gave Jordan the wrong advice.
Speaking with Maura in the garden, Curtis says “I do see your point of view. I did give the wrong advice to Jordan.”
Maura later reflects in the Beach Hut, Maura says “After listening to her [Anna], I have a slight worry.
Will Curtis reassure Maura of his attentions and can the couple get back on track?
The Islanders awake to the sound of screaming, after Love Island’s very own stork has delivered seven new-borns overnight. Each couple will look after an artificial baby as part of today’s challenge to find out who are the best parents in the villa.
But Anna is less than keen on today’s baby challenge. As Anna and Maura head inside to the sound of the babies’ screams. Anna says “I don’t want a baby with him [Jordan].”
Speaking in the Beach Hut, she says “I don’t know whose baby that is, because it’s not mine. He probably doesn’t even know whose baby it is himself.”
Jordan cares for his baby alone, whilst the other Islanders come together in their couples to name their first child. The couples give their babies the following names:
- India and Ovie: Raymond Junior
- Curtis and Maura: Bella
- Molly-Mae and Tommy: Tommy Junior (TJ)
- Chris and Harley: Penny-Sue Tinkerbell
- Anton and Belle: Valentino
- Amber and Greg: Kobe
Amidst all the drama gripping the villa, Curtis hosts a daddy-dance class for all the dads to bond with their new babies.
Later that day, Chris receives a text revealing the couples who have passed today’s challenge. But which couple will be crowned the best Mummy and Daddy?
If today’s drama wasn’t enough, Jordan receives a text, which reads “Islanders. Please gather around the fire pit immediately.”
It is revealed to the Islanders that the public have been voting for their favourite couple, and the two couples with the fewest votes will be dumped from the Island.
One-by-one the couples safe from tonight’s dumping are revealed, but which two couples received the fewest votes and will be leaving the villa tonight?