Drew Barrymore Hates Jake Gyll...

Movies & TV

Drew Barrymore Hates Jake Gyllenhall

SPIN South West
SPIN South West

11:27 23 Mar 2018

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We would say he's a bad actor too under the same circumstances!

Barrymore was promoting her new season of Santa Clarita Diet (Which btw go watch that on Netflix we 100% recommend it) on James Cordon's Late Late Show. 

She had the option to "spill her cuts or fill her guts" when asked to rank actors she's worked with from worst to best. She ranked Jake last. 

Here's how that went;

In an effort to make up for dragging Gyllenhall on TV and redeem herself. Drew did what anyone in her position would've done, and took a giant

"I ❤️ JAKE GYLLENHAAL" sign to the premiere of her show.

Here's a throwback to 2001 when they worked together on Donnie Darko. 

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