A 'Twilight' Animated Series I...

Movies & TV

A 'Twilight' Animated Series Is Coming To Netflix!

Shannon Keenan
Shannon Keenan

03:58 5 Sep 2024

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An animated series of 'Twilight' is coming to Netflix.

According to Variety, the series will be based on Stephanie Meyer’s 'Twilight' novel 'Midnight Sun'.

The book was originally dropped in 2020 and told the story of the first 'Twilight' book from the perspective of Edward Cullen instead of Bella Swan.

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Lionsgate TV are set to produce it, while Meyer's is on board as an executive producer and 'The Walking Dead' writer, Sinead Daly will serve as the writer and executive producer for the show.

There's no news on when it will drop yet, but the spin-off series has been given the green light and Netflix is now developing the project.

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