It's official women like men with a beard.
Yes, Beauty is in the eye of the beholder or so the old proverb goes but now this study has confirmed women do find men more attractive with a beard.
In a study conducted by the Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 8,500 women were asked about their preferences when it comes to male facial hair.
Women were shown various photos of men with and without facial hair, and were asked to rate them on 'boyfriend potential'.
In a landslide result, every single woman admitted to liking men when they were sporting facial hair.
Men with heavy stubble were most popular among the women in the study followed by men with full beards and then men with light stubble were the least favourite.
Explaining the results, the researchers said that 'the typical male' has features like defined jawlines and high testosterone levels are not high on our list of requirements when it comes to finding a partner.
Instead, researchers claim we associate a beard with a man's age and social dominance.
This man wants to legally change his age from 69 to 49 to get more Tinder matches.
The study states:
Beards may be more attractive to women when considering long-term than short-term relationships as they indicate a male's ability to successfully compete socially with other males for resources.