Guide: How To Keep Your New Ye...


Guide: How To Keep Your New Years Resolutions


12:58 3 Jan 2019

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It's the new year and although we may have the best of intentions of sticking to our new year's resolutions, it can be difficult.

Although we might be determined to stick to them, old habits can creep back in very quickly and before we know it it's January 9tha and we have fallen off the wagon.

To take a positive spin on the new year's resolutions we have compiled a list of 10 tips to help you stick to your resolutions this year.

1. Keep your resolutions simple.

Pretty self-explanatory, but don't set yourself up for a loss day one with unrealistic goals.

2. Choose carefully.

Know what you're letting yourself in for!

3. Be realistic.

Again  - Ask yourself can you really do this?

4. Create bite-sized portions.

Break your goals down into pieces and know exactly what you need to do.

5. Plan a time-frame.

In fact, the time-frame is vital for motivation. It is your barometer for success, the way you assess your short-term progress towards the ultimate long-term goal. Buy a calendar or diary so you can plan your actions for the coming weeks or months, and decide when and how often to evaluate.

6. Make notes.

Having made a note of your time-frame, you will have a physical reminder of what you’re aiming for

7. Treat yourself.

Good behaviour always deserves a treat so does reaching goals and keep resolutions!

8. Receive support.

It is at such times when you’ve temporarily fallen off the wagon, that your support network is crucial.

9. Don’t give up!

Do bear in mind that a slip-up is almost inevitable at some point, and you must not let this become an excuse to give up. When it happens, you will need to draw on your reserves of self-belief and strength, so build these qualities as often as you can.

10. Put yourself in charge.

These achievements are under your control  - Nobody else!

Now you’ve read these tips, you are in a great position to consider the best ways to improve your life this New Year. Your happiness is worth the time and effort, so get started, and good luck!

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