It's almost Christmas and we're not going to lie, We've already checked out!
Between the staff night out, all the gossip that caused and the endless supply of Quality stress and Roses, we are in full festive mode. No work is being done in the office.
But if you are being paid for your hours slacking still isn't an option - no matter how festive things feel...
If you're like us and are ready to drive home for Christmas then this is how you can look busy at work for the last few days before Christmas - while not actually doing much work.
You're welcome!
Look lively
When your computer looks sleepy it's not going to look like you're being productive either. Planning a longer coffee/shop excursion to grab a festive latté, maybe a longer-than-normal toilet break to check the Christmas snaps spam on your Instagram feed? Hakuna Matata... No worries!
Just disable the sleep mode on your computer. Here's how to do it for a PC and Mac - and walk away leaving something serious-looking on your screen and a spare coat on the back of your chair. You'll be back at any moment.
Play the Grinch
No matter how much of a Cindy Lou you are at heart you'll have to be the Grinch in the office this Christmas. Just start sprouting out catchphrases like 'Bah Humbug', 'I hate sprouts' ( I mean who likes them? ) and 'dashing through the no'.
None of your co-workers will suspect that you're listening to Mirah Carey or taking our Christmas quizzes with that attitude.
Sit up straight
Sending your best memes to the group Whatsapp and browsing online with your Christmas bonus voucher?
That's cool but make sure whatever you are or aren't doing you do it sitting up straight.
Slouching is a real tell that you're slacking and a straight back will make you look efficient and studies show will also reduce cortisol levels so you'll feel happy doing the bare minimum.
Schedule meetings
Don't worry we don't mean meetings that you actually need to attend. It's time to set up some internal face-to-face hours to kill time with the people you actually enjoy spending time with to discuss what you actually think's important.
Discuss your main point - be it your impressive team performance or that you'd appreciate almond milk in the office kitchen. Next move on to a good hour of friendly chat discussing Christmas plans and whatever scandal erupted at the office party.
Make sure you have a pen handy - because, you're still a professional AF. After all, if you sigh, shake your head and look hassled: nobody would dream of hassling you further.
Office crush? Get them involved. Studies show that office romances are most likely to bloom when the nights draw in during the winter months.
Welcome to cuffing season!
So with nothing in the calendar and your boss is wearing a Santa hat while handing out minced pies, you can plan your party night outfits.
Just don't blame us if you get caught rotten!