Heineken Light are now the official sponsors of Tagrugby.ie – the biggest tag rugby league in Ireland with over 25,000 players in 5 counties playing throughout 2017. Now with that in mind here are 5 reasons we’ll be getting involved this year!
It’s a great way to meet new people and don’t be afraid if you haven’t played before, it takes about 15 seconds to learn the basics and to be honest we mostly play for the craic afterwards!
Tag rugby keeps you fit. It’s early March and if you haven’t stuck to the gym schedule and are to trying to be healthy them running around a field playing tag rugby and training is a great way to get back on the wagon.
You are part of a team. For any newbies playing you are sure to hear the old timers roar – RUN STRAIGHT WILL YOU for the love of GOD!
Zero guilt feels! When you are downing your bottle of Heineken light post work out! You’ve earned it!!
Finally, tag is just awesome and has become such a popular sport in Ireland!