Easter, Apart from Christmas, it's one time of the year where people selflessly indulge and it feels amazing.
After all, the commercial aspect of this holiday is all about chocolate, so why wouldn't you?
Over the past couple of years, there's been a huge surge in 'alternative' eggs on the market, that have caught the attention of chocolate lovers worldwide.
Whether you have a gluten intolerance or are allergic to dairy, or just want an egg that has extra protein in it because you're a gym-bunny, there's an egg for you.
We've made a list of alternative eggs, and there's bound to be one to suit you.
- Protein Easter Egg
- Gluten Free Easter Egg
- Milk, Wheat and Gluten Free Egg,
Dairy Free Easter Egg,
- Disco Ball Easter Egg.
- And, for the controversial person in your life. Marmite Egg.