A camera was attached to an adorable Akita Inu dog's back and Google went off for a very precise walk, capturing the city from the very best point of view available.
So now tourists can virtually navigate the beautiful trails in and around the city from a new perspective.
Odate is regarded as the home of the mountain-dwelling dogs and is surrounded by peaks and lies partly within the borders of the Towada-Hachimantai National Park.
The project highlights a number of doggy-related tourist attractions, such as the Akita Inu Museum.
The museum, which is managed by the Akita Inu Preservation Society, recently gifted an Akita Inu to Russian gold medalist figure skater Alina Zagitova.
You can also virtually visit the Akita Inu Fureaidokoro, next to Odate Station, where visitors can meet the city's official goodwill ambassador dogs, Asuka and Ako.
If you want to venture further into the currently snow-covered hills, there is also the Roken "Old Dog" Shrine dedicated to Hachiko, an Akita Inu who famously waited for its owner each day at a Tokyo railway station for nine years after his death. * Sniff. *
It's so sweet how you can see the dog's heads bobbing about as you see the sights. You can even turn around to see their fluffy tails!