Robert Pattinson Talks Possibl...


Robert Pattinson Talks Possible Twilight Spin-Off

SPIN South West
SPIN South West

03:36 21 Apr 2017

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When 'Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2' was released back in 2012 we all taught it was the end but now the question of a spin-off has come into play!

We all taught Robert Pattinson aka Edward cullen had washed his hands of Twilight but it turns out we were wrong because Robert has actually admitted he's kind of "curious" about revisiting the wild ride that is The Twilight Saga.

So could we have another film?

Image result for twilight breaking dawn part 2

Chatting to Yahoo Movies, the actor confessed he's tempted by anything that would 'subvert' audience expectations, which we reckon a return to Twilight would definitely do.

"I mean, I'm always kind of curious," he revealed. "Anything where there's a mass audience — or seemingly an audience for it — I always like the idea of subverting people's expectations.

"So there could be some radical way of doing it, which could be quite fun. It's always difficult when there's no source material. But, yeah, I'm always curious."

So could Rob seems to be up for another movie but would his EX Kirsten Stewart be? We'll have to wait and see and  before we get to all of that Stephanie Meyer may have to write another book.

Check out the ending of  'Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2' below!

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