The Saga continues...
The 36-year-old man who looks like Friends star David Schwimmer has failed to appear at court to face charges of theft and fraud.
Abdulah Husseni from Slough was arrested after a CCTV image of a man who looks like the actor was shared online went viral.
A warrant has been issued for his arrest. He has now failed to show up in court following the robbery.
The story about his initial arrest went global after David Schwimmer hilariously responded to the story.
After Blackpool police posted a picture of his lookalike with the caption:
Do you recognise this man? We want to speak to him in relation to a theft at a Blackpool restaurant on the 20th September
Schwimmer responded to the video with a remake along with the hashtag #itwasntme
Officers, I swear it wasn't me.
As you can see, I was in New York.
To the hardworking Blackpool Police, good luck with the investigation.#itwasntme— schwim (@DavidSchwimmer) October 24, 2018